
2.0 Macross 4.0

I was really happy with version 1 and yet, in the end I fell into the same trap as most of the Sci-Fi UI designers in PC games and movies do. All those “little” displays looked great, I had my hexagonal status indicators (nothing says Sci-Fi more like hexagons) but it was not easy to bring any meaningful content on the skewed “screen estate”. And skewed is a CSS literal here.

There was also the thing that I redesigned version 1 inside out so much by now, and moved it around a lot in the house, that it started to fall apart and had to be taped regularly. Yes, the phun of the Primary Buffer Panel falling off happened several times.

v1 operated by the little one
That my children also like to smash buttons didn't help the case (or frame) 😆
v1 operated by the little one
That my children also like to smash buttons didn't help the case (or frame) 😆

I eventually stumbled over a hand drawn design of a VF-1 Valkyrie cockpit of the Macross franchise while looking for inspiration for something with more “screen estate”.

v2 button box as wireframe model in Wings3D
v2 button box as wireframe model in Wings3D

I created a 3D model of the upper cockpit panel in Wings3D where I started to shove around buttons and switches to my liking while keeping close to the original layout. This way I ended up with way more buttons (can never have enough) and get more “screen estate” out of the box while still maintaining a sane layout that would not be in the way of operating something with it later.